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Zena HaddadinOffline

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    Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

    Topic: Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). Author: Zena Amjad Haddadin Editor: Ihdaa Mahmoud Bani Khalaf,Sadeen Sameer. Reviewer: Ethar Hazaimeh Keywords: Avoidant, Restrictive food intake, ARFID, nutritional insufficiency, food avoidance. Overview Abnormal eating or weight-control behaviors are the hallmarks of eating disorders, which are serious psychiatric conditions. Eating disorders significantly negatively impact physical health and are linked to considerably higher mortality rates than the general population.1 The American Psychiatric Association (APA) published the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Edition 5 (DSM-5) in May 2013. This updated edition introduces a new classification to eating disorders which includes an additional section […]

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