Submission Guidance

Overview of the Submission Process

 I.I. Online Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts must be submitted through the online manuscript submission system.

Submit Article


You will be asked to complete the submission form:

        1. Article title
        2. Article tags (keywords)
        3. Article category
        4. Manuscript
        5. Upload media: Figures, tables, graphs, etc

General Requirements for Submissions

II.I. Structure:

The following is the sequence in which your paper should be written:

Title; Author name


No more than five words


Not more than 300 words and Structured (Background/Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions)


(Introduction, materials and methods, findings, and discussion)

        1. Overview
        2. Etiology and pathogenesis
        3. Clinical presentation and complications
        4. Workup and Diagnosis
        5. Treatment and Management
        6. Prevention (depends on the topic)
        7. Risk Factors
        8. The prognosis (Good and Bad)
        9. Recent updates (clinical trials / Guideline Change)



        • AMA Referencing (Vancouver)
Journal articles & reviews - AMA Referencing (Vancouver) - University  Library at The University of Notre Dame Australia

Journal articles & reviews – AMA Referencing (Vancouver) – University Library at The University of Notre Dame Australia

        • Bibliography:

Use Elsevier (numeric, with titles) style

Example :

So if we want to reference this scientific article: “ the effect of sport on mental health ” by A. Luna and O.J. Danaeel in Elsevier (numeric, with titles):

[1] C. Petit, J. Sieffermann, the effect of sport on mental health, 11 (2017) 191-200.

And an in-text citation would look like this: [1]



Focus on unusual and informative ones

        • Numbering: Tables and Figures should be numbered according to their appearance within the text.
        • Caption: Make sure to add a descriptive title and If numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading.
        • References: Make sure to cite the source of the inserted Figures or tables.
        • Quality:
Target Size Image width Pixels at 300 dpi Pixels at 500 dpi Pixels at 1000 dpi
Minimal Size 30 mm (85 pt) 354 591 1181

Word Limits 

 In, there are no word limits for articles.

 II.III. Style Guidelines

 Please use Georgia Font style consistently throughout your manuscript.

      1. Entire Text
        • Font Size: 14
      1. Subtitles:
        • Heading 1
        • Font Size: 24
      1. Sub-Subtitles
        • Heading 2
        • Font Size: 18
      1. Keywords and Definitions:
        • Italic + Bold
        • Font Size: 14

Review Processes

 III.I On, there is just one anonymous review process. All submissions will be reviewed by the Chief Editor to ensure that they are appropriate for publication on the website.

Papers that are considered eligible are typically sent to an authorized expert Editor who evaluates the paper’s scientific quality. The Chief Editor is responsible for making the final decision on whether or not an article should be accepted or rejected. The decision of the Chief Editor is final.

When everything is completed, make a preliminary decision using the following options:

        • Reject if there are major doubts regarding originality, relevance, methodology, validity, or overall quality 
        • Major revisions are required- the document isn’t good enough as it is; recommendations for improvement are made, and a second review will be required
        • Minor Revisions are required – the manuscript is likely acceptable, but more work is required.
        • Accepted – the article will proceed for Publication.

III.II If a revision is requested, you will receive a copy of the Chief Editor’s and Editor’s comments and be asked to submit a newly updated manuscript entitled (Revised *Manuscript title*). It’s possible that more rounds of peer review and revisions will be required.

The manuscript is forwarded to production after it has been accepted. This process normally takes three weeks to complete and Within one to three weeks, it will be shared on the social media platforms.

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