Members Guidelines

Contributor | Author

Basic Qualification requirements

Medical Students [2nd Year to 6th year], medical interns, Residents, and Fellows

Language:  Author / Contributor should be Fluent in English Writing.

Writing Time: Articles might probably take between 3 to 14 days to complete, depending on the topic.

Type of Article: As an Author/Contributor, you will prepare a review article of at least 1,000 words on a neuro-related chosen subject (Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry, or Basic Neuroscience).


Basic Qualification requirements

Interns, GPs, Residents, Fellows , Specialists

Language: Reviewer must be Excellent in English writing.

Previous experience in basic research writing, Editing, and citation.

Editing time: 5-10 hours per week.

Description of Editing and Reviewing:  review and edit the assigned articles according to Neuropedia Scientific and Language Guidelines, revise keywords, primarily decide to accept or reject the article.

Editor in Chief

Professional Qualification Requirements

Residents, fellows, specialists in the specialty area (Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry)

specialized research experience in all aspects of writing and editing.

Language: Excellent English writing, Speaking and Listening

Working time: 5-10 Hours per month

Description of work: As an Editor in Chief, you will coordinate the article writing workflow, revise and edit every assigned article, accept, or reject the article, and make the final decision on whether to publish the assigned article.

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