E-Certificate of Publication

E-Certificate for your Published Articles .

We are excited to announce a new feature on our website that allows our Members to earn a free digital publication E-Certificate for their published articles.

At Neuropedia, we are committed to providing our audience with the highest quality, evidence-based content on the latest developments in Neuroscience , Neurosurgery , Psychiatry  and Neurology. By offering a certification for published articles, we aim to recognize and reward the hard work and expertise of our contributors.

Our certification process is designed to ensure that each article meets our rigorous standards for accuracy, insight, and editorial quality. By earning a certificate, our contributors can showcase their commitment to excellence and enhance their professional credentials. 

To gain an E-Certificate, simply fill out the form below with your Name, Email address,  Article title, and Date of publishing and an Email with your E-certificate will be send to you as soon as possible. 

Press Here to fill the Form 

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