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    Bulimia Nervosa

    Title: Bulimia Nervosa Author: Sara Awwad Editor: Ihdaa Mahmoud Bani Khalaf , Sadeen Eid Reviwer: Ethar Hazaimeh keywords: Bulimia Nervosa, Bulimarexia, Bingeing   Introduction Eating disorders (EDs) are psychiatric conditions that seriously harm a person’s physical and mental health. 2 The manifestation of these concerns differs by gender; for example, problems with body image in men may emphasize muscularity, whereas, in women, these problems may emphasize weight loss more.3 Over 30 million people are affected by eating disorders, which are also significantly associated with morbidity and mortality. 4 The word “bulimia” which means “ox hunger” in Greek, was created to emphasize […]

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