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    Occipital Neuralgia

    Article topic: Occipital Neuralgia Name of the author: Rana Jaffal Name of the editors: Rawan Hamamreh, Mohammad Assaf Reviewer: Ethar Hazaimeh Keywords: Headache, Neuralgia, Neck Pain, Neuropathic pain, Occipital Overview Neuralgia is defined by The International Classification of Headache Disorders ICHD-3 as “pain in the distribution(s) of a nerve or nerves, presumed to be due to dysfunction or injury to those neural structures. Common usage implies a paroxysmal pain quality as neuralgia, but the term neuralgia should not be reserved for paroxysmal pains”. The most common neuralgias are trigeminal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, and nervus intermedius neuralgia.1.2 Occipital neuralgia (ON), […]

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