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    Acute Symptomatic Seizures

    Article topic: Acute Symptomatic Seizures Author: Mohammed Belal Baker Editors: Bashar Abualsiba’, Sadeen Eid Reviewer: Ethar Hazaimeh Keywords: Acute symptomatic seizure, provoked seizure, reactive seizure, situation-related seizure, epilepsy, unprovoked seizure acute insult Overview Acute symptomatic seizures (also known as provoked seizure, reactive seizure, and situation-related seizure) is a common neurological disorder that occurs in close temporal relationship to a neurological or systemic insult1. The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) has defined acute symptomatic seizures as: “events, occurring in close temporal relationship with an acute CNS insult, which may be metabolic, toxic, structural, infectious, or due to inflammation”1. The interval between […]

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