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Bassel QiqiehOffline

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    Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy

    Article Topic: Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy. Author: Bassel Qiqieh. Editors: Haneen Al-Abdallat, Haneen A. Banihani. Reviewers: Rahmeh Adel, Ethar Hazaimeh Keywords:  Limb girdle dystrophy, caplain-3, sarcoglycan, dystroglycanopathy, Dysferlinopathy. Abstract Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) constitute a group of genetic muscle disorders characterized by progressive weakness and atrophy of proximal muscles. They result from mutations in genes encoding subtype-specific proteins with autosomal inheritance patterns. In 2018, a refined definition of LGMDs was proposed by the European Neuromuscular Centre. Classification of LGMDs has evolved to include the mode of inheritance, genetic discovery order, and the affected protein. Epidemiologically, prevalence varies globally, with the […]

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