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    Mesial Temporal Sclerosis

    Article topic: Mesial temporal sclerosis Author: Abdullah Alshloul Editor: Hamzeh Aljarrah Reviewer: Rahmeh Adel  keywords: Mesial temporal sclerosis, Hippocampal Sclerosis, Classification, Diagnosis, treatment, complications Abbreviations: MTS= Mesial temporal sclerosis, HS= hippocampal sclerosis, CA=cornu ammonia, AD=Alzheimer Disease, SNP= single nucleotide polymorphism, TLE= Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Abstract Mesial temporal lobe sclerosis is hippocampal sclerosis with more extensive sclerosis of adjacent structures in the medial temporal lobe, including the amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus.2  MTS can be classified into three types. 1 It may occur alone or with a combination of other pathologic disorders.19 Some risk factors that can lead to MTS may be […]

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    Chronic Migraine

    Article topic: Chronic Migraine Author: Abdallah Alshloul Editor: Ahmad Abuaisheh Reviewer: Ethar Hazaimeh Keywords:  Chronic migraine, Etiology, Pathophysiology, Genetics and Epigenetics, Treatment Abbreviations: CM= chronic migraine, EM= episodic migraine, CDH= chronic daily headache Abstract Chronic migraine is the type in which a person has at least 15 headache days a month, involving at least eight days a month with fully developed migraines 1. CM is a common and disabling neurological disorder. Patients with less frequent migraines (episodic migraine) should be counseled on avoiding risk factors associated with transformation to chronic migraine. The treatment of (CM) involves avoidance of risk factors […]

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