Article topic: Lumbar Puncture. Author: Abdulelah Majdi Fehmi Otoum Editors: Almutazballlah Qablan, Sadeen Eid Reviewer: Omar Sanduka Keywords: Spinal tap, Headache, Back pain, CSF Overview Lumbar puncture (LP) or spinal tap, is a procedure in which a needle is inserted into the lower back in order to obtain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample from the subarachnoid space. 1 It’s used to help in the diagnosis of disease, measuring the CSF pressure, or providing treatment. 2 The first lumbar puncture was reported in the late 19th century 3 by the German Heinrich Irenaeus Quincke (1842 – 1922).4 In 1872 he demonstrated how […]

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